The Art and Science of

Human Movement & Innovation

BASI Method

The BASI Pilates® Block System lies at the heart of the BASI Pilates methodology.

The BASI Pilates® Block System, created by Rael Isacowitz of BASI, is a smart way to organize Pilates exercises. It's like a filing system that sorts exercises in a logical order, making it easier for instructors to plan classes. This system allows for classes to be both well-structured and flexible, meaning they can be adjusted to fit the needs and abilities of each person attending.

The beauty of this system is that it ensures classes are balanced and comprehensive, touching on all types of movements and engaging different muscle groups. This means everyone gets a workout that's just right for them.

As instructors get more familiar with the system, they become better at using it to craft classes that are both challenging and accommodating for everyone. Essentially, the BASI Pilates® Block System helps instructors deliver high-quality, personalized Pilates sessions, making it a valuable tool in the world of Pilates.

BASI Equipment

BASI Systems leverages decades of Pilates expertise to create advanced equipment, in partnership with Pilates experts worldwide. Their equipment aims to enhance strength, athletic performance, rehabilitation, and the enjoyment of movement. After thorough research, BASI introduced a line of equipment known for its adjustability and versatility, especially the Reformer Combo. This piece can function as a Reformer, with a Tower, or as a Cadillac, thanks to its Enhanced Pulley System (EPS) for precise control of exercises. It offers the largest cushion and longest track in the market for comfort and range of motion. The EPS allows for detailed adjustments to pulley positions, ensuring a personalized and consistent workout experience. Prepared for upgrades with the F2 System, BASI's equipment is designed for optimal Pilates practice, catering to individual needs and facilitating progress.

Group Reformer Classes

Join our BASI Pilates group classes for a blend of strength, flexibility, and community unlike any other. Our expert instructors leverage the finest BASI Systems equipment to ensure each class offers a personalized and dynamic workout experience that's accessible to all fitness levels.

Enjoy personalized guidance in every class, ensuring adjustments and modifications to suit your level. Experience the motivational atmosphere created by the community of fellow participants. Engage in versatile and challenging workouts, facilitated by state-of-the-art equipment, and benefit from the expertise and passion of our dedicated instructors.

Our classes are designed to provide a comprehensive workout that not only challenges your body but also uplifts your spirit. Whether you're new to Pilates or seeking to deepen your practice, our group sessions are the perfect environment to meet your fitness goals.

Personal Pilates Sessions

Discover a Pilates experience crafted just for you with BASI's personal sessions. These sessions are designed around your unique goals and preferences, offering direct access to our expert instructors and a workout plan that's completely tailored to your needs.

Your sessions will be customized to match your objectives, from building strength and flexibility to focusing on rehabilitation.

Benefit from the undivided attention of experienced instructors who ensure you execute each movement with precision, enhancing your practice and understanding of Pilates.

Take advantage of BASI's cutting-edge equipment, which supports a broad spectrum of exercises and modifications to keep your workouts dynamic and challenging.

Enjoy the convenience of scheduling sessions that fit your life, allowing you to progress at your own pace and focus entirely on your personal development.